Wednesday, 15 November 2017

TH9 War attack Strategy | Surgical hog attack tips

One of the most successfull th9 war attack strategy is Surgical hogs. The main strategy of this attack is taking out cc and enemy queen with kill troops. The preferable kill troops are golem, wizards, with some bowler or valkery in cc. Then taking out other defences with hogs by deploying it surgically to avoid all your hogs get killed by double giant bombs and also for make sure your hogs pathing as planned. Deploying hogs surgically made them all to meet in a particular point which will be helpful in healing them all economically. So that you'll have heal spells to save all your hogs which can to destroy any tough th9 base like a boss.

Required troops

2 golems, 13 wizards, 4 wallbreaker, 20 hogs, bowler or valkyrie in cc and poision spell, 3 healspell, 1 jump spell or rage spell, 1 poision spell.  You can change this combination based on base.

Why we using these troops


Golem is a troop which  targets defenses and having high hit points. So in this strategy, 2 golems are used for funneling purpose by protecting kill troops which need to clear outside buildings, and this is necessary for our cc troops, king, queen and kill troops enters the base with out roaming around base and kill enemy queen and enemy cc troops. If we failed to kill queen all our hogs will get killed by queen and attack will end up in failure.  


As golem chooses nearest and easiest way to get the enemy defenses, Wallbreakers used to lure golems into the path we planned (to get near queen and enemy cc trigger radius). If we failed using wallbreakers there are chances the entire attack get ruined. So we need to be careful with enemy mortar timing, enemy wizard towers and outside giant bomb traps which can kill all your wall breakers. To check for outside giant bomb and spring traps you always need to use a test Wallbreaker before letting them all. And if you failed with your wall breaker your golems will be killed before breaking the wall and your cc troops and queen will start to roam around the base. 


Wizards are the troops who working behind the golem in funneling process. And killing enemy cc troops then finally clearing buildings after all enemy defences goes down.


Hogs are the hero of this attack. After completing all initial steps. They are in the action on destroying defenses. As they are defense targeting troops.

Things to remember 

1. Killing enemy queen and cc,
2. Wallbreaker timing,
3. Using poision spell on enemy troops and queen or skeleton traps,
4. Plan hog pathing, find possible double giant bomb location.
5. Heal spell timing.

Here is the example for surgical hog attack

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