Sunday, 21 January 2018

Won Builder hall 3 bases with Giant, archer and barbarian

Builder hall-3 best attack strategy

Builder hall troops and attack strategies are way too different than town hall attacks. Since the defenses and troops ability is varied here strategies also change and makes it a whole new game.

Won with Giants barbarian and archers

In Builder hall-3 mostly used troops are Boxer giants, Raged barbarians and Sneaky archers. As per their ability and bases the troop combination also changing.

Giant, Barbarian, Archer party

In this first kind of attack, the three main troops are going to give their hands. Each of them having unique ability helps

Army composition

In this attack, we need to take three of those troops in each army camp. That means in Builder hall 3 you can get 2 giants, 10 barbarians and 6 archers in each army camp.

Prefered base type

You can use this attack on bases where we can avoid giants get crushed by those crushers.

  1. The main goal is to get 2 stars as you can win 80% of attacks if you can get 2 stars.
  2.  Let the giants and barbarians on a side where we can reach builderhall easily and also avoid the crushers.
  3. Make some funnel with raged barbarians so that your archers can follow giants.
  4. If crusher and any defense exposed take them with some archers.
  5. You can also use archers to clear exposed buildings which will give you some extra percentage.
Here some of the attacks which use sneaky archers, raged barbarians, and boxer giants combo in different composition as per the bases.

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