Wizard in the clash of clans is a magical man with a hooded cloak with an ability to throw fireballs.
How wizard works in Clash of Clans
- Wizard is a troop which can attack both ground and air units, troops.
- He can attack defenses over the walls.
- One of the troops with high damaging points. At the same time, his hitpoints are very low.
- So can get killed easily by the point defenses.
- Because of this weakness always need a meat shield (ex.Giant, golem) for his effective usage.
- Can be the biggest threat to defense targetting enemy troops if he is clan castle.
- At the same time can be easily killed by poison spell because of his low hitpoints.
Uses of wizard in clash of clans
Cleanup troop
Wizards are mostly used for clean up trash buildings in war attacks because of his high DPS.
For a successful 3 star attack funneling is the most important factor. And wizard is the favorite funneler for many Clashers.
CC troop
His high DPS makes the biggest thread for enemy troops when he is in clan castle.
CC killer
He can also be used for killing high hitpoints enemy clan castle troops.
Attack strategy
Wizard is the most important troop that he is used in almost all attack strategies. Some of the strategies he plays major roles are.
1. Giant wizard strategy (town hall 7)
2. GOWIPE (Townhall 8,9)